68 research outputs found

    Remarkable analytic relations among greybody parameters

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    In this paper we derive and discuss several implications of the analytic form of a modified blackbody, also called greybody, which is widely used in Astrophysics, and in particular in the study of star formation in the far-infrared/sub-millimeter domain. The research in this area has been greatly improved thanks to recent observations taken with the Herschel satellite, so that it became important to clarify the sense of the greybody approximation, to suggest possible further uses, and to delimi its intervals of validity. First, we discuss the position of the greybody peak, making difference between the optically thin and thick regimes. Second, we analyze the behavior of bolometric quantities as a function of the different greybody parameters. The ratio between the bolometric luminosity and the mass of a source, the ratio between the so-called "sub-millimeter luminosity" and the bolometric one, and the bolometric temperature are observables used to characterize the evolutionary stage of a source, and it is of primary importance to have analytic equations describing the dependence of such quantities on the greybody parameters. Here we discuss all these aspects, providing analytic relations, illustrating particular cases and providing graphical examples. Some equations reported here are well-known in Astrophysics, but are often spread over different publications. Some of them, instead, are brand new and represent a novelty in Astrophysics literature. Finally we indicate an alternative way to obtain, under some conditions, the greybody temperature and dust emissivity directly from an observing spectral energy distribution, avoiding a best-fit procedure.Comment: accepted by MNRA

    Search for massive protostar candidates in the southern hemisphere: II. Dust continuum emission

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    In an ongoing effort to identify and study high-mass protostellar candidates we have observed in various tracers a sample of 235 sources selected from the IRAS Point Source Catalog, mostly with dec < -30 deg, with the SEST antenna at millimeter wavelengths. The sample contains 142 Low sources and 93 High, which are believed to be in different evolutionary stages. Both sub-samples have been studied in detail by comparing their physical properties and morphologies. Massive dust clumps have been detected in all but 8 regions, with usually more than one clump per region. The dust emission shows a variety of complex morphologies, sometimes with multiple clumps forming filaments or clusters. The mean clump has a linear size of ~0.5 pc, a mass of ~320 Msolar for a dust temperature Td=30 K, an H_2 density of 9.5E5 cm-3, and a surface density of 0.4 g cm-2. The median values are 0.4 pc, 102 Msolar, 4E4 cm-3, and 0.14 g cm-2, respectively. The mean value of the luminosity-to-mass ratio, L/M ~99 Lsolar/Msolar, suggests that the sources are in a young, pre-ultracompact HII phase. We have compared the millimeter continuum maps with images of the mid-IR MSX emission, and have discovered 95 massive millimeter clumps non-MSX emitters, either diffuse or point-like, that are potential prestellar or precluster cores. The physical properties of these clumps are similar to those of the others, apart from the mass that is ~3 times lower than for clumps with MSX counterpart. Such a difference could be due to the potential prestellar clumps having a lower dust temperature. The mass spectrum of the clumps with masses above M ~100 Msolar is best fitted with a power-law dN/dM proportional to M-alpha with alpha=2.1, consistent with the Salpeter (1955) stellar IMF, with alpha=2.35.Comment: 83 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication by A&A. The full paper, including Fig.2 with the maps of all the individual regions, complete Tables 1 and 2 can be found at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~starform/publ2005.ht

    Machine learning based data mining for Milky Way filamentary structures reconstruction

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    We present an innovative method called FilExSeC (Filaments Extraction, Selection and Classification), a data mining tool developed to investigate the possibility to refine and optimize the shape reconstruction of filamentary structures detected with a consolidated method based on the flux derivative analysis, through the column-density maps computed from Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL) observations of the Galactic plane. The present methodology is based on a feature extraction module followed by a machine learning model (Random Forest) dedicated to select features and to classify the pixels of the input images. From tests on both simulations and real observations the method appears reliable and robust with respect to the variability of shape and distribution of filaments. In the cases of highly defined filament structures, the presented method is able to bridge the gaps among the detected fragments, thus improving their shape reconstruction. From a preliminary "a posteriori" analysis of derived filament physical parameters, the method appears potentially able to add a sufficient contribution to complete and refine the filament reconstruction.Comment: Proceeding of WIRN 2015 Conference, May 20-22, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy. Published in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technology, Springer, ISSN 2190-3018, 9 pages, 4 figure

    The Kinematic and Chemical Properties of a Potential Core-Forming Clump: Perseus B1-E

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    We present 13CO and C18O (1-0), (2-1), and (3-2) maps towards the core-forming Perseus B1-E clump using observations from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) of the Arizona Radio Observatory, and IRAM 30 m telescope. We find that the 13CO and C18O line emission both have very complex velocity structures, indicative of multiple velocity components within the ambient gas. The (1-0) transitions reveal a radial velocity gradient across B1-E of 1 km/s/pc that increases from north-west to south-east, whereas the majority of the Perseus cloud has a radial velocity gradient increasing from south-west to north-east. In contrast, we see no evidence of a velocity gradient associated with the denser Herschel-identified substructures in B1-E. Additionally, the denser substructures have much lower systemic motions than the ambient clump material, which indicates that they are likely decoupled from the large-scale gas. Nevertheless, these substructures themselves have broad line widths (0.4 km/s) similar to that of the C18O gas in the clump, which suggests they inherited their kinematic properties from the larger-scale, moderately dense gas. Finally, we find evidence of C18O depletion only toward one substructure, B1-E2, which is also the only object with narrow (transonic) line widths. We suggest that as prestellar cores form, their chemical and kinematic properties are linked in evolution, such that these objects must first dissipate their turbulence before they deplete in CO.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 34 pages, 12 figure

    The Structure of the Small Dark Cloud CB 107

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    This paper presents the near-IR imaging observations of CB 107, a small dark globule projected against a rich stellar background. By means of accurate photometry, the near-IR two-color diagram J - H versus H - K was obtained for the stellar background. This information was used to estimate the color excesses of the detected stars so that, given the reddening curve, it was possible to derive the extinction map of the cloud. The structural properties of the dark globule were investigated by plotting the extinction dispersion σ, obtained in a given spatial box, as a function of the mean extinction AV. This relationship has shown quite a definite linear behavior, with the slope increasing with the box size. The results of the present analysis, compared with those obtained by other authors on larger dark clouds, suggest that for a given spatial scale the slope of the σ versus AV relation is greater in CB 107 than in larger clouds. The so-called Δ-variance method was also used to investigate the structure of the dark globule by evaluating the drift behavior of its extinction map. In this way, we have found that the power spectrum of the extinction map is characterized by a power law with exponent β ~ 2.7. This value is lower than expected, for the same range of spatial scales, on the basis of previous work on large molecular clouds

    EChO payload electronics architecture and SW design

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    EChO is a three-modules (VNIR, SWIR, MWIR), highly integrated spectrometer, covering the wavelength range from 0.55 μ m to 11.0 μ m. The baseline design includes the goal wavelength extension to 0.4 μ m while an optional LWIR module extends the range to the goal wavelength of 16.0 μ m. An Instrument Control Unit (ICU) is foreseen as the main electronic subsystem interfacing the spacecraft and collecting data from all the payload spectrometers modules. ICU is in charge of two main tasks: the overall payload control ( Instrument Control Function) and the housekeepings and scientific data digital processing ( Data Processing Function), including the lossless compression prior to store the science data to the Solid State Mass Memory of the Spacecraft. These two main tasks are accomplished thanks to the Payload On Board Software (P-OBSW) running on the ICU CPUs. <P /

    Changes of dust opacity with density in the Orion A molecular cloud

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    We have studied the opacity of dust grains at submillimeter wavelengths by estimating the optical depth from imaging at 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey and comparing this to a column density obtained from the Two Micron All Sky Survey derived color excess E(J – Ks). Our main goal was to investigate the spatial variations of the opacity due to "big" grains over a variety of environmental conditions and thereby quantify how emission properties of the dust change with column (and volume) density. The central and southern areas of the Orion A molecular cloud examined here, with NH ranging from 1.5 × 1021 cm–2 to 50 × 1021 cm–2, are well suited to this approach. We fit the multi-frequency Herschel spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of each pixel with a modified blackbody to obtain the temperature, T, and optical depth, τ1200, at a fiducial frequency of 1200 GHz (250 μm). Using a calibration of NH/E(J – Ks ) for the interstellar medium (ISM) we obtained the opacity (dust emission cross-section per H nucleon), σe(1200), for every pixel. From a value ~1 × 10–25 cm2 H–1 at the lowest column densities that is typical of the high-latitude diffuse ISM, σe(1200) increases as N 0.28H over the range studied. This is suggestive of grain evolution. Integrating the SEDs over frequency, we also calculated the specific power P (emission power per H) for the big grains. In low column density regions where dust clouds are optically thin to the interstellar radiation field (ISRF), P is typically 3.7 × 10–31 W H–1, again close to that in the high-latitude diffuse ISM. However, we find evidence for a decrease of P in high column density regions, which would be a natural outcome of attenuation of the ISRF that heats the grains, and for localized increases for dust illuminated by nearby stars or embedded protostars

    A study of the cold cores population in the Serpens star-forming region

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    As part of the Herschel Gould Belt survey, the Serpens star-forming region was observed with the Herschel PACS and SPIRE instruments. Data analysis is ongoing and a first version of the source catalog is ready; here we show some preliminary results

    Distance biases in the estimation of the physical properties of Hi-GAL compact sources - I. Clump properties and the identification of high-mass star-forming candidates

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    The degradation of spatial resolution in star-forming regions, observed at large distances (d ≳ 1 kpc) with Herschel, can lead to estimates of the physical parameters of the detected compact sources (clumps), which do not necessarily mirror the properties of the original population of cores. This paper aims at quantifying the bias introduced in the estimation of these parameters by the distance effect. To do so, we consider Herschel maps of nearby star-forming regions taken from the Herschel Gould Belt survey, and simulate the effect of increased distance to understand what amount of information is lost when a distant star-forming region is observed with Herschel resolution. In the maps displaced to different distances we extract compact sources, and we derive their physical parameters as if they were original Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey maps of the extracted source samples. In this way, we are able to discuss how the main physical properties change with distance. In particular, we discuss the ability of clumps to form massive stars: we estimate the fraction of distant sources that are classified as high-mass stars-forming objects due to their position in the mass versus radius diagram, that are only 'false positives'. We also give a threshold for high-mass star formation M>1282 (r/ [pc])^{1.42} M_{☉}. In conclusion, this paper provides the astronomer dealing with Herschel maps of distant star-forming regions with a set of prescriptions to partially recover the character of the core population in unresolved clumps
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